by Markus Herzig
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N350FH of Fairchild Hiller Corp at Dallas - Photo collection Werner Häuselmann © Apr-67

CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 11-Feb-2025
# 768 delivered as F-HPBA to France - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 768 and former ZK-SLC has been shipped from Thailand to France. The Turbo Porter will fly as F-HPBA for Big Air Parachutisme at Rochefort.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 11-Feb-2025
# 517 F-GOYE with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 517 F-GOYE is new Flying for Centre de Parachutisme de Bordeaux La Réole based at La Reole-Floudes.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 27-Jan-2025
# 669 N699SA with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 669 N699SA is new owned by KWG-Aviation. The aircraft is right now under total overhaul with new design and will be registered as D-FILM.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 22-Jan-2025
# 848 FOR SALE - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 848 OM-FAA fitted with a PT6A-27 engine is for sale with price and details on request - more details about this Turbo Porter HERE
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 22-Jan-2025
Accident of HB-FDU - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 663 HB-FDU of Yankee Lima Suisse SA has been damaged in a landing accident at Maripasoula Airport, French Guiana - ASN
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 14-Jan-2025
# 743 N50ZZ with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 743 N50ZZ is now owned and operated by AURORA AIR LLC since November last year.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 4-Jan-2025
# 699 F-GOSP with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 699 F-GOSP is now owned and operated by Skydive Center at Gap-Tallard.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 12-Dec-2024
EC-LZI cancelled - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 924 EC-LZI of Airplane Sky Services SL has been cancelled last month in the aircraft register of Spain. The PC-6 will be registered in Latvia as YL-LZI.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 12-Dec-2024
# 964 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 964 N964FA has been sold by Flyalaska.ch LLC to Icefield Discovery, Yukon, Canada.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 20-Nov-2024
# 1003 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 1003 HB-FJP is new owned and operated by DADAFLY SA.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 11-Nov-2024
ZK-SLC cancelled - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 768 of Southern Lakes Aviation Limited / RASAT (Royal Air Sports Association of Thailand) has been cancelled in the NZ aircraft register.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 17-Jul-2024
# 658 upgraded to B2-H4 - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 F-GOAG of CERPS Maine & Val de Loire, Saumur has recently been upgraded to B2-H4 status by Avia Laval maintenance shop at LFOV.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 4-Jul-2024
9H-RVM back in Turbolenza livery - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 969 9H-RVM is flying again in its original Turbolenza livery after a 14-years maintenance overhaul in Locarno.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 19-Jun-2024
Accident of YL-YEA - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 954 YL-YEA of Skydive Latvia has been seriously damaged in an emergency landing accident near Riga Latvia - ASN
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 10-Jun-2023
OK-LON in a new look - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 882 OK-LON of Jump-Tandem s.r.o. is flying now in a new look and with titles.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 4-May-2024
The PC-6 is 65 years in the air !!! Today, 65 years ago, the Pilatus Porter HB-FAN with Rolf Böhm at the controls made it's very first flight. A memorable successful story of the "Pilatus Commercial 6"  followed. Check out the milestones of the first 50 years in the HISTORY.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 26-Apr-2024
# 2040 with new ownership - Fairchild PC-6/B1A-H2 # 2040 N476XP has been sold as project and is new registered to Matonti James Robert.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 12-Apr-2024
FOR SALE - Fairchild® PC-6 “Heli-Porter” & AU-23 Peacemaker Production Program with Jigs, Tooling, Spare Parts, Technical Data to build Military Aircraft or FAA-PMA Parts. The owner is retiring, and it needs to be sold as a package. No Aircraft are included in this sale  - more details HERE
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 11-Apr-2024
# 924 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 924 EC-LZI has been sold and is new owned by Airplane Sky Services SL.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 3-Apr-2024
# 572 F-GFCC back in the air - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 572 F-GFCC of Philippe Tarade is back in the air! After a long rebuilding process F-GFCC made another maiden flight today at Gap-Tallard.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 9-Mar-2024
Tragic accident of PK-SNE - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 1017 PK-SNE of Smart Aviation crashed on a cargo flight into the jungle in the Long Liku area in Kalimantan. Unfortunately one of the two crew did not survive this accident. My deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of the involved persons - ASN
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 5-Mar-2024
# 775 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 775 N776PC is new registered to Technical Applications & Consulting LLC in Kansas.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 19-Feb-2024
# 964 and # 1000 new owned by Flyalaska - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 964 former XT-ALN and Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 1000 former B-10FR are new owned by Flyalaska. # 964 will be registered N964FA while # 1000 will fly again in 2025.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 13-Feb-2024
# 721 new registered in the Czech Republic - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 721 and former F-GJDA of Blue Aero  is new registered in the Czech Republic as OK-MJS operated by Airmyths Aviation s.r.o.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 20-Dec-2023
Accident of PK-RCS - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 948 PK-RCS of AMA Associated Mission Aviation has been seriously damaged in a landing accident at Apowo Airstrip, Papua - STSB
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 1-Dec-2023
# 545 finally scrapped - Pilatus PC-6/350 # 545 N4913 of Blackdog Holdings Inc. is completely scrapped and deregistered with the FAA. This PC-6 was originally delivered to Northern Consolidated Airlines 61 years ago.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 29-Oct-2023
Tragic accident of OB-1600 - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 789 OB-1600 of Aero Andino Survey SAC crashed on a cargo flight from Pucallpa to Breu. Unfortunately one of the two crew did not survive this accident. My deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of the involved persons - ASN
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 12-Oct-2023
# 768 new registered in New Zealand - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 768 and former 1314 of Thai Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives is new registered in New Zealand as ZK-SLC on a long term lease to Southern Lakes Aviation Limited. The PC-6 remains owned by RASAT (Royal Air Sports Association of Thailand) and is managed and maintained by Thai Sky Adventures.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 29-Aug-2023
# 540 new registered as HB-FAN - Pilatus PC-6/350-H2 of YETIFLYERS GmbH is now registered as HB-FAN (2) and is wearing the same registration as the original Yeti # 337.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 4-Aug-2023
# 676 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 676 F-GEEO is new owned by BLOPILATUS and is flying from Brienne-le-Chateau.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 26-Jul-2023
# 918 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 918 HB-FLH has been sold by Zimex Aviation to a new swiss owner and operator. HB-FLH was Zimex Aviation's last PC-6, having operated a total of 30 Pilatus Porters over the past 54 years.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 12-Jul-2023
# 954 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 954 is new registered as YL-YEA and owned by Skydive Latvia. The Turbo Porter started it's delivery flight yesterday from Gap-Tallard via Warsaw.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 14-Jun-2023
# 1004 FOR SALE - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 1004 TU-GET fitted with a PT6A-27 engine is for sale with a price of 1'995'000 USD - more details about this low time Turbo Porter built in 2015 HERE
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 6-Jun-2023
# 882 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 882 EC-LQH is new owned by Jump-Tandem s.r.o. located in Brno CZ and will be registered soon as OK-LON.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 1-Jun-2023
# 941 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 941 is new registered as D-FPTF and owned by Paratec GmbH.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 4-May-2023
The PC-6 is 64 years in the air !!! Today, 64 years ago, the Pilatus Porter HB-FAN with Rolf Böhm at the controls made it's very first flight. A memorable successful story of the "Pilatus Commercial 6"  followed. Check out the milestones of the first 50 years in the HISTORY.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 27-Apr-2023
F-GOSP in a new look - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 699 F-GOSP of Chutextrem is painted in a new look after a 14 years overhaul at Icarius Aerotechnics.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 6-Apr-2023
OM-FAA in a new look - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 848 OM-FAA of Fenix Air is painted in a new look since today.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 25-Mar-2023
F-GIXX in a new look - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 564 F-GIXX of Bassin Aviation is flying in a new look after an overhaul by Icarius Aerotechnics at Gap-Tallard.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 15-Mar-2023
# 793 FOR SALE - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 793 LV-MIS has been published for sale by La Direccion Provincial de Aviacion Civil de Santiago del Estero. The PC-6 will be sold on April 21, 2023 10:30.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 14-Mar-2023
# 872 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 872 D-FACE has been sold to Kolding Faldskaermsklub in Denmark. The Turbo Porter will be soon registered as OY-PTR - standing for PorTeR - and will fly skydiving operations from Vamdrup airport.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 14-Mar-2023
# 979 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 979 S5-CEH has been sold to Switzerland and flew to Bleienbach on Monday. The Turbo Porter will be soon registered in the US as N979FA for operations in Alaska.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 14-Mar-2023
# 868 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 868 F-GJBC is new owned by Entre Ciel et Terre SARL.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 20-Feb-2023
# 848 OM-FAA in the paintshop - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 848 OM-FAA of Fenix Air is currently in the paintshop after flying 37 years in the original livery of Tyrolean Air Ambulance.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 15-Feb-2023
# 973 PK-BVY destroyed by rebels - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 973 PK-BVY of Susi Air has been burned and destroyed by rebels in Paro district, Nduga Regency, Papua. The New Zealand pilot was kidnapped after landing and has been taken hostage. RNZ-ASN
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 17-Jan-2023
# 906 with new operator - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 906 HB-FLB is new operated by Wikiplane SA remaining owned by Airtrails Trading GmbH.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 9-Jan-2023
ZK-MCN in a new look - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 824 ZK-MCN of Aoraki Mount Cook Ski Planes Ltd is flying in a new white-red look.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 26-Dec-2022
# 941 in the paintshop - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 941 D-FEJE of Jereb Airservice is currently in the paintshop at Altenrhein.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 15-Dec-2022
Tragic accident of PK-SNF - The very last built Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 1019 PK-SNF of Smart Aviation crashed just after take-off from Heraklion airport on it's delivery flight from Buochs via Maribor, Podgorica and Heraklion. Unfortunately one of the two crew did not survive this accident. My deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of the involved persons - ASN
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 6-Dec-2022
Swiss registrations of #1018 & #1019 cancelled - The two very last new production PC-6 built by Pilatus in Switzerland are now cancelled in the swiss aircraft register. The Turbo Porters will fly as PK-SND and PK-SNF in the fleet of Smart Aviation starting their delivery flight on Dec 12, 2022.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 29-Oct-2022
# 777 upgraded to B2-H4 - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 N156PC of Idaho Skyworks LLC has recently been upgraded to B2-H4 status and is now as well equipped with the newly certified Stec 3100 autopilot.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 24-Oct-2022
# 677 now registered F-HNCJ - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 677 is now registered as F-HNCJ owned by JC Aviation Services and operated for Paris Jump at Saint-Florentin.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 12-Oct-2022
# 2028 back in service - Fairchild PC-6/B2-H2 # 2028, delivered in 1968 to Texas Petroleum Company, later used by Air Adventures and Aire Axpress for skydiving and sold at auction after bankrupt in 2016 is now back in service as C-GSDV at Abbotsford.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 30-Aug-2022
Tragic accident of ZS-NIX - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 900 ZS-NIX of South African Police Service crashed during take-off from Rand airport. Unfortunately five passengers did not survive this accident. My deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of the involved persons - ASN
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 9-Aug-2022
New aircraft # 1019 - The factory new PC-6/B2-H4 # 1019 is registered now as HB-FBE (3) with Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG and will be delivered soon to Smart Aviation as PK-SNF. This is the very last new production PC-6 built by Pilatus in Switzerland.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 25-Jul-2022
F-GIBV in a new look - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 651 F-GIBV of Alpes Parachutisme Services SAS / Baulip Sports is flying in a new look for Savoie Parachutisme at Chambery.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 28-Jun-2022
Accident of PK-RCQ - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 911 PK-RCQ of Associated Mission Aviation has been severely damaged in an accident 6 Nm northwest of Senggeh Airstrip, Molof Village, Papua, Indonesia on June 28, 2022 - STSB
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 22-Jun-2022
Accident of PK-BVM - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 975 PK-BVM of Susi Air has been substantially damaged near Duma Airstrip, Papua, Indonesia on Hune 22, 2022 - STSB
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 1-Jun-2022
# 789 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 789 is new owned by Amazon Aviation Service SAC / Aircraft Maintenance. After a complete overhaul the Turbo Porter will be operated by Aeroandino Survey SAC for pax, cargo and aerial work.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 27-May-2022
New aircraft # 1018 - The factory new PC-6/B2-H4 # 1018 is registered now as HB-FBD (3) with Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG .... actually it's already HB-FBD (4) since HB-FBD was used as well for s/n 521, 602 and 992.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 4-May-2022
The PC-6 is 63 years in the air !!! Today, 63 years ago, the Pilatus Porter HB-FAN with Rolf Böhm at the controls made it's very first flight. A memorable successful story of the "Pilatus Commercial 6"  followed. Check out the milestones of the first 50 years in the HISTORY.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 28-Apr-2022
# 906 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 906 HB-FLB is new operated by Swiss Aviation School GmbH and owned by Airtrails Trading GmbH.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 16-Mar-2022
# 905 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 905 HB-FLA of Scenic Air AG has been cancelled in the swiss aircraft register. The PC-6 has been sold to Germany and is new owned by KFG Luftfahrt GmbH registered as D-FFLA.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 26-Feb-2022
Accident of PK-SNB - The brand new Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 1015 PK-SNB of Smart Aviation had a landing accident on 26-Feb-22 at Bayabiru, Papua airstrip and slipped off the landing strip into bushes. Fortunately all occupants are save - STSB
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 3-Feb-2022
New aircraft # 1017 - The factory new PC-6/B2-H4 # 1017 is registered now as HB-FBC (3) with Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG. The Turbo Porter will be later registered in Indonesia as PK-SNE with Smart Aviation.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 21-Jan-2022
# 540 N283SW is back in the air - Pilatus PC-6/350-H2 N283SW of YETIFLYERS GmbH is back in the air again. The piston powered Porter in full Yeti colors is equipped with modern Garmin instruments and dual controls.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 25-Nov-2021
# 1013 newly registered in Canada - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 1013 is now registered as C-FBMN owned by  Black Moose Investment Ltd.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 28-Sep-2021
New aircraft # 1016 - The factory new PC-6/B2-H4 # 1016 is registered now as HB-FBB (3) with Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG. The Turbo Porter will be later registered in Indonesia as PK-SNC for Smart Aviation.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 21-Aug-2021
Accident of YV1912 - Fairchild PC-6/C-H2 # 2048 YV1912 crashed in Maturín, shortly after takeoff from José Tadeo Monagas International Airport. The pilot was seriously injured.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 21-Jun-2021
New aircraft # 1015 - The factory new PC-6/B2-H4 # 1015 is registered now as HB-FBA (3) with Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG. The Turbo Porter will be later registered in Indonesia as PK-SNB for Smart Aviation.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 8-Jun-2021
F-GLEU fresh overhauled - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 627 F-GLEU of CEPS de l'Ariege just got a new fresh repaint and a new interior after its 14 years overhaul at Icarius Aerotechnics Gap-Tallard.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 14-May-2021
Tragic accident of I-HSKC - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 779 I-HSKC of Happy Fly GmbH crashed during a training flight from Ravenna airport. Unfortunately the pilot and copilot did not survive this accident. My deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of the involved persons.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 28-Apr-2021
D-FELI in a new look - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 845 D-FELI of Sky Lease GmbH & Co. KG is flying now in a new look after it's 14 years inspection.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 8-Apr-2021
# 892 F-HAMR back in the air - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 892 F-HAMR of Fly Rent Ltd is back in the air after being completely disassembled, repaired, overhauled, stripped, repainted, reassembled, adjusted, controlled by Icarius Aerotechnics at Gap-Tallard.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 15-Mar-2021
# 840 now registered I-HFHZ - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 840 is now registered as I-HFHZ owned by Flying Friendly S.r.l. and operated by Skydive Sardegna at Cagliari.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 9-Mar-2021
# 2048 Update - Fairchild PC-6/C-H2 # 2048 YV1912 is painted in a new look and back in the air again.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 26-Feb-2021
# 863 and # 949 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 863 S5-CMD and # 949 F-HBSF have been moved from Aviofun into the 2nd company Flycom Aviation d.o.o.. In addition #  979 I-NEWT joined the fleet in these days and will be registered again S5-CEH.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 5-Feb-2021
# 840 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 840 HB-FHZ of Swiss Global Aerospace SA has been cancelled in the swiss aircraft register. The Turbo Porter will be new registered in Italy as I-HFHZ.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 3-Feb-2021
D-FSKY in a new look - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 878 D-FSKY of Thomas Schaub is flying now in a new colorful Gelini look.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 22-Jan-2021
# 915 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 915 F-GVTF is new owned by Sté SARL CHUTEXTREM and is operating now from the Aérodrome de Lézignan-Corbières.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 13-Jan-2021
# 792 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 792 N108MA of Grizzly Air Service Inc is in the process of receiving a complete strip and paint while also get a 14 year inspection.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 13-Jan-2021
# 777 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 777 is new owned by Idaho Skyworks LLC. Unfortunately the project with the former owner HUMAVA Ltd was not able to take place due to the current Covid situation.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 11-Dec-2020
# 764 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 764 HB-FJZ has been cancelled in the swiss aircraft register and will be new registered in Germany as D-FWHT.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 2-Dec-2020
# 778 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 778, former S5-CEI damaged in an accident on 20-May-2017, will be the new Pilatus Porter displayed in the swiss transport museum at Luzern! The PC-6 will be prepared next year at Bleienbach in a collaboration between VHS, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd and Yetiflyers GmbH with Fliegermuseum Oberaargau. Thanks to all involved to save this piece of Pilatus history!
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 20-Nov-2020
# 840 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 840 HB-FHZ is new owned by Swiss Global Aerospace SA. The Turbo Porter is flying with Skydive Sardegna.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 26-Oct-2020
# 708 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 708 F-GFFD is new owned by Air 65. The Turbo Porter has been damaged in an accident on 30-March 2019 and is currently stored, most probably for rebuild or use as spares.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 24-Oct-2020
# 858 Update - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 858 and former TG-ASC has been new registered in the US on 6-Apr-20 as N96JC still owned by Adonai International Ministries. Later on the Turbo Porter had a hard landing on 17-Aug-20 at Monroe County Airport, Aberdeen, MS.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 5-Oct-2020
HB-FDU upgraded to B2-H4 - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 663 HB-FDU of Yankee Lima Suisse SA has been recently upgraded to a B2-H4 by Pilatus at Stans. This Turbo Porter is flying since 1968 for Air Glaciers SA and was originally delivered as an A1-H2, modified to a B1-H2 in 1970, to a B2-H2 in 1991 and now to a B2-H4. A real piece of Pilatus and Air Glaciers history!
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 20-Sep-2020
Tragic accident of T7-SKY - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 902 T7-SKY operating for Sky Team Cremona crashed during skydiving operations from Cremona-Migliaro airport. Unfortunately the pilot and a skydiver did not survive this accident. My deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of the involved persons.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 17-Jul-2020
# 699 with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 699 F-GOSP has been sold recently and is now owned by Est la SARL CHUTEXTREM based at Aérodrome de Lézignan.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 17-Jul-2020
# 629 scrapped for spares - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 629 and former D-FDFF has been scrapped for spares by Thai Sky Adventures Co Ltd. The company currently owns 3 Turbo Porters registered HS-EFS, HS-WTF and N916AQ.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 26-Jun-2020
HB-FDU with new ownership - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 663 is new operated and owned by Yankee Lima Suisse SA.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 26-Jun-2020
F-GTOP upgraded to B2-H4 - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H2 # 661 F-GTOP of Fly High Icarius has been recently upgraded to a B2-H4. The Turbo Porter is currently flying for Skydive Royan.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 19-Jun-2020
# 936 new registered in Germany - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 939 and former G-CECI of Grupo 7Air is new registered in Germany as D-FOGO still based with Grupo 7Air at Portimao in Portugal. With this register change there is current no longer a PC-6 registered in Great Britain.
CLICK to get the aircraft history ! 15-Mar-2020
# 969 new registered in Malta - Pilatus PC-6/B2-H4 # 969 and former T7-TBZ of Tangosette srl is new registered in Malta as 9H-RVM owned by RVM Logistics. This is the first PC-6 in the register of Malta and the 83rd country with a registered PC-6.

Icarius Aerotechnics
Pilatus PC-12 NGX
AELO MAINTENANCE FOR SALE: Fairchild® PC-6 Heli-Porter & AU-23 Peacemaker Production Program
FOR SALE: SN 1004S/N 1004 for sale
FOR SALE: SN 848S/N 848 for sale
Pilot available for missions
PC-6 for rent winter 2025/26
FOR SALE: PT-6 Factory Wheel Skis
FOR SALE: Maintenance Manual
WANTED: PC-6 pilot for 2025
FOR SALE: Red Spinner
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My aim is to share my enthusiasm with other friends of the Pilatus Porter or any other persons interested in it. Naturally I'm interested in any information,
documents, photographs or stories of any PC-6 - can you help me? I would appreciate your contributions, comments, suggestions or requests.

Copyright © 1999-2025 by Markus Herzig. All rights reserved. No content of this site may be used without prior permission.